First release by Mr. Fingers (aka Larry Heard). Very excellent!
Label: Jack Trax
Catalog#: FING 2
Format: 2 x Vinyl, LP
Pays: UK
Année: 1988
Style: House, Deep House, Acid House
01 Can you feel it
02 Washing machine
03 Beyond the clouds
04 Slam dance
05 Stars
06 Waterfalls
07 Let's dance all night
08 Bye bye
09 For so long
10 Amnesia
11 Mystery of love
12 The juice
Label: Jack Trax
Catalog#: FING 2
Format: 2 x Vinyl, LP
Pays: UK
Année: 1988
Style: House, Deep House, Acid House
01 Can you feel it
02 Washing machine
03 Beyond the clouds
04 Slam dance
05 Stars
06 Waterfalls
07 Let's dance all night
08 Bye bye
09 For so long
10 Amnesia
11 Mystery of love
12 The juice
11 commentaires:
Heu tu t'es planté là, le premier album de Mr Fingers c'était Another Side sortit en 86 avec le fameux titre Can you feel it.
Je crois qu'Amnesia est le premier de Mr. Fingers et Another side, le premier de Fingers Inc. (Larry Heard, Robert Owens & Ron Wilson)... De toute façon, merci de m'avoir mis sur la voie de ce Another side... je cherche ^^
history of music! thanks a lot.
thank you very much for this.
my mate made me listen to this when i was stoned when it first came out, and it started me on my way in the world of electronic music.
you rule!
Plus la peine de chercher Another Side, le voici: http://www.megaupload.com/fr/?d=K7VZJ6VJ
encore merci pour cet excellent blog.
thanks very nice
thanks any chance u can repost this. i cant download on RS, mediafire would be nice thanks!
You have made an original Larry fan very happy.
Some of these songs are alternative remixes of older releases.However, this album features the first release of Stars, a personal favourite. You may remember Larry did a version as a b side for one of the MCA singles.
merci beaucoup mec
Puisque nous sommes dans la période Acid-House, rubrique Larry Heard, je ne saurais tropvous conseiller le morceau suivant:
Larry Heard Presents Mr. White - The Sun Can't Compare (Long Version)
Ce morceau sonne tellement old school, les vocaux sont tellement cheesy vintage que j’étais persuadé qu’il s’agissait d’une réedition. Mais apparemment non. Larry Heard revient donc fin 2006 avec un superbe tube deep acid.
Beau à pleurer...
Interesting post, I can remember buying this album because of Can U Feel It and thinking that all the tracks sounded the same?
It did not turn me away from Larry Heard, I simply had to work harder to appreciate his genius. A few years later, he made life much easier for me by releasing the most excellent 'Introduction' and the 'Gherkin Jerks'. ;-)
Happens even more cheerfully :)
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